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Saints Quarterback Drew Brees Scammed Out of $9Mn

April 11, 2018
"From 2010 to 2016, Moradi advised [my wife and I] to allocate funds into an alternative asset class of investment grade diamonds and told us that he would use his connections and expertise to acquire them on our behalf at or below market value. In an effort to diversify our investment portfolio, we trusted Moradi and invested. Moradi assured us he was being compensated by the sellers for any investment-grade diamonds he acquired on our behalf."  - -  Drew Brees


New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees and his wife Brittany are suing San Diego-based jeweler Vahid Moradi for over $9 million, claiming that the $15 million worth of investment-grade jewelry that they purchased over a 6-year period has a current appraisal value of just $6 million. Brees took the biggest hit on one diamond that cost $8.1 million, but was appraised at a value of $3.75 million.


Defendant Moradi, through his attorney, denies any wrongdoing, while a member of his legal team notes that the jewelry Moradi sold Brees was checked out by an independent party and certified as investment grade prior to the sale. [Yes, but at what valuation?]


That said, investing in jewelry can be quite tricky for uninitiated outsiders. “You should never buy jewelry as a short-term investment if you are not in the business," jewelry shop owner Simon Teakle told the Huffington Post. Teakle added that, if you're not an expert and your investment relies on the advice of someone you might not necessarily be able to trust, there are safer ways to grow your money.


Fortunately the losses will not endanger the Brees family lifestyle. Over the course of his NFL career, Drew Brees has earned over $194 million in salary and, with his recent 2-year contract extension, he’s set to earn another $50 million.


FINANCIALISH TAKE AWAY.    While it’s not clear how well Drew Brees knew Moradi, it’s apparent that the quarterback fumbled his options by failing to get a second independent opinion or valuation before completing the purchase. And what’s the purpose of having a team of legal and financial professionals – which Breese no doubt has – if you don’t call on them when you really need them?