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Ricky Williams, Dennis Rodman Defrauded by Ex-Florida Advisor

December 23, 2016

U.S. Attorneys accuse Peggy Ann Fulford, who operated 2 Florida-based management companies, of stealing $6 million from Heisman winner and former pro football player Ricky Williams, and more from former NBA star Dennis Rodman and 2 other pro athletes. According to the lawsuit:


Fulford represented that she graduated from Harvard business and law schools, and had made millions in the stock market. There is no record of her ever graduating from Harvard.
In 2008, Fulford and Williams entered an agreement for her to manage his financial affairs free of charge.
Williams and Fulford opened a joint bank account in Orlando where the former football player deposited the $11 million he made from 2007 to 2012.
Williams and his family lived off a monthly stipend from Fulford, while she spent the rest on luxury cars, real estate, jewelry, and airline tickets.
Fulford is listed as the running King Management Group, and Dennis Rodman Group.
Fulford, has gone by aliases: Peggy King, Peggy Williams, Peggy Simpson, Peggy Rivers, Peggy Barard, Devon Cole and Devon Barard.


While he is not named in Fulford’s criminal indictment, TMZ reported in 2015 that former NBA star Dennis Rodman fired Fulford as his financial manager in 2015 and accused her of stealing millions of dollars from him.