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Jamie Dimon as Treasury Secretary

November 11, 2016

[Photo:  Steve Jurvetson (Flickr) / Wikimedia Commons]


Rumor has it that the Trump Transition Team would like to nominate Jamie Dimon as Secretary of the Treasury.  BloombergView's Matt Levine expressed his interest in the idea:


It is hard to know how seriously to take rumors that JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is being considered as a possible Treasury Secretary in the Trump administration. Dimon has said before that he doesn't want the job, and Trump has indicated before that he wants to give it to Steven Mnuchin, his campaign finance chairman. ... Certainly Goldman Sachs's Lloyd Blankfein likes the idea:


“He would be a great Treasury secretary, and he has been a terrific competitor,” Blankfein said at a conference in New York on Thursday about his counterpart atop JPMorgan Chase. “With that one move, you would kill two birds with one stone.”


But here we are on the internet, so let's just say 2 very obvious things:


  1. Dimon would be a great choice! He is a smart, knowledgeable, perceptive, sane, mainstream analyst of economic and financial conditions; he has a deep understanding of financial regulation; he's a famously effective manager and wise counsellor. Of course his preferences would probably be to roll back some existing bank regulation, but, you know, we are starting from a place of dismantling Dodd-Frank, so you can't really expect a much more pro-regulation Treasury Secretary.
  2. If he's offered the job, Dimon really should accept it! He'd be good at it, he's interested in affecting public discourse, there's a lot of policy to be made, he cares about the country, and there are not a lot of indications that Trump has a deep bench of thoughtful talent to draw on if Dimon turns him down. Treasury Secretary is an important job, and someone good should do it, and if Dimon says no then the odds of that happening go down considerably.


Also, he's been running JPMorgan for over a decade. He has a lot of money. I'm sure it's fun, in its way, for him. And I certainly don't presume to know what motivates big bank CEOs. But at some point I imagine that even they get a bit bored with doing the same sort of thing for years on end. But then they're a bit stuck. What are they going to do next? Retire and play golf? Quit to run a blockchain startup? The challenges of running JPMorgan may grow stale, but it's not exactly easy to find bigger challenges. If Dimon is offered one, he should take it.