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Wall Street News

The Yachts? The Bling? Wall Street is Getting Cheap

October 28, 2016

Spending on big-ticket items used to be a badge of honor on Wall Street.  In response to … "How was your weekend?" you might hear … "I bought a new car," or, "Oh I decided to fly down to Miami last minute."  Not any more, not now. 


Instead, about a hundred bankers, traders, analysts and portfolio managers overwhelmingly said they prefer saving over spending.  What's more, they've increased their pace of saving, stashing more money away since their last bonus than in previous years.  The #1 reason: FEAR.


"I've been spending a lot less these days," Michael a sales trader said. "A lot of it has to do with job security. You never know when the music is going to stop."


The luxury private jet market is expected to drop by 5% this year [That’s all?], while the yacht market has a 0% growth outlook for 2016, according to the latest Bain Luxury report.  And, Wall Streeters confirmed that now, more than ever, they're cutting back - or eliminating altogether - a lot of luxury purchases. 


And, when it came to something less lavish - say, luxury watches - several respondents said that if they already have one, they don't feel the need for a newer, shinier one. [How Modest!]