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Security Tip: Put Tape Over Your Laptop Camera

October 15, 2016

When Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo on his Facebook page celebrating the success of Instagram, his followers quickly noticed something strange about his laptop in the image - there was tape over both the camera and the microphone to protect against hackers. Is Zuck overly paranoid, or is this actually a good tip for everyone to take into consideration?


Gizmodo pretty much authenticated that the photo says that the desk and laptop are Zuckerberg's because he's posted videos from there before. And Gizmodo also points out that it's a very paranoid move. And it's also ironic, given that Facebook is frequently accused by conspiracy theorists that it's listening in on private conversations. That said, Zuckerberg joins other hacker luminaries who tape over their webcams, including FBI director James Comey and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.


Count me in as someone who believes in covering my computer camera.  Though, in no way do I consider myself a luminary, or believe that I deal in matters of serious public or personal concern.